Book Services

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Please take note that we are only available for the Temecula Valley, CA area but we are willing to make exceptions. Please contact us for more info

For those that may be out of reach or out of state please turn to other sites provided

Book Removal Service

At Sarah Scrolls, we provide a free book removal service*. We understand how books aren't always the lightest or easiest to move. Whether you've experienced a passing, moving, or simply looking for a fresh start, we can help. Send us an email with contact info, pictures of your personal library, an estimated book count, along with a small explanation of your situation*. From there we can assist you and plan accordingly to best suit your needs. Depending on the number of books that need clearing, we will send someone or a team to come and clean out your personal library. Please keep in mind we are Riverside County, California based but we are willing to go the distance depending on your needs.

*Our book removal service is free, although we do have a fee for resources such as the cardboard boxes which are needed in the moving process. This does vary in many different situations and may be waived. Some examples are small or low book count, boxes provided by customers, etc.

*For time-sensitive situations, we ask that you inform us at your earliest convenience so that we have the proper amount of time to schedule a team and gather the resources needed.

We look forward to speaking with you and will work with you in any way that we can to make this as easy as possible for you no matter the situation. We offer nothing but the most respectable and genuine service. If you have any questions regarding the service, please don't hesitate to ask. Email us at